Only the Best Liftgate Transport Services
Heavy Equipment Transport is a reliable and trusted heavy-cargo transport company that excels in providing quality shipping services. Among the factors that separate us from our competition is our commitment to delivering unparalleled liftgate services. HET has an industrial experience that spans over a decade, and we have invested in a large inventory of trucks and shipping vans with lift gates to facilitate safe shipping.
Our primary objective is to make our clients happy, not only with our superior service packages but also with a reasonable liftgate service price. We consult with the customer in the bid to achieve the best quote estimate. Whatever your special requests or wherever you might be located, we guarantee to provide the most reliable liftgate shipping services. In every state in the US, we have a HET branch, fully equipped with professional manpower and equipment for fast shipping and liftgate deliveries. (888) 730-2951
Benefits of Liftgate Shipping Services
With a potentially significant investment as a heavy-equipment, it is only noble to let the professionals handle the shipping and transport. Heavy Equipment Transport alleviates the risks associated with offloading top-heavy machinery through its quality liftgate services. Using the liftgate also creates a safe environment, not only for the equipment but to the workers handling the cargo. Besides, incurring an extra charge for that also saves you money and time.
You also get professional assistants who understand how to deal with unforeseen situations when offloading Liftgate is a service used to deliver products and goods to businesses and locations that lack a cargo-receiving area. It makes use of a truck or trailer with a metal platform attached at the back of the track to lower the cargo from the trailer height to the ground, making it possible to ship it using a pallet jack. HET keeps an updated inventory of trucks and trailers with different liftgates to make it possible to deliver crated and palletized goods, as well as heavy-machinery units.

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How to Experience Liftgate Transport Services with Heavy Equipment Transport
Safe and timely deliveries are the lifeblood of Heavy Equipment Transport. We are committed to transporting heavy equipment efficiently throughout North America, Mexico, and Canada. This is to facilitate continuity in production and corporate up-time. That's why our liftgate services are top-notch and tailored to meet the unique transportation needs of each client. If you require liftgate services from Heavy Equipment Transport, our professional company representatives are here to clarify any issues you have. Call now! (888) 730-2951
Common Types of Liftgate Shipping Services