Bus Shipping

Bus Shipping Services For
Transit Bus • School Bus • Shuttle Bus • Custom Bus
and More!

Shipping a Bus with Heavy Equipment Transport

The Heavy Equipment Transport bus shipping company is here to assist you, helping you to save on mileage and wear and tear associated with long-haul bus travel. Whether it's a large double-decker tourist bus required downtown or a new minibus that requires shipping across the country, our logistics team will happily coordinate your bus transport journey. From highly-trained minibus shipping specialists to oversized bus transport professionals, we have the right expertise on standby to help your bus safely reach its next destination.

Choosing the Heavy Equipment Transport company means you won't have to source suitable trailers and drivers to transport a bus. You can rely on our logistics team to assign the correct trailer, plan the best route, complete all necessary paperwork, and even coordinate international and cross-border bus haulage. Whether navigating busy city streets or shipping a bus to secure access locations, you can be sure our haulers will treat your equipment with the care and attention it requires. Call now! (888) 730-2951

Shuttle buses transported on step deck trailer.

(888) 730-2951

Customizable Bus Hauling Services

We know that bus transport requirements change with the type of bus, location, and timescale. That's why our bus shipping services are highly customizable. Suppose you've got a large, inoperable bus. In that case, we can provide the right equipment to safely load and secure your vehicle onto a suitably sized trailer. We can also take care of smaller bus transport requests, providing loading and offloading assistance and door-to-door bus shipping, and customize our load tracking so that you can follow the progress of your bus transport.

There are various bus types and Heavy Equipment Transport ships them all. Private hire mini buses can be integral to small transport businesses that provide shuttle services and tours. In contrast, larger transit buses are essential to broader public transport services. We can help you to get a coach on the road quickly and carefully, no matter where you are. We will work to ensure that all schedules are met without delay and bus transport services can be expedited at short notice. Let's get started! (888) 730-2951

Can You Ship a School Bus to Hawaii?

One of the top questions we get at Heavy Equipment Transport is:

"Can you ship a school bus to Hawaii?"


You can definitely ship a school bus to Hawaii! Heavy Equipment Transport ships school buses nationwide. That includes Hawaii. We have the resources, experience, and quality service you need to ship your school bus.

Because Hawaii is an island off the Pacific Coast, part of the school bus transport would be via cargo ship. So two to three teams would be necessary. One to haul the school bus to the port. A second to load the school bus onto and off of the cargo ship. This is assuming the drivers at each port need to set up a team to do this. And a third team is needed to haul the school bus from the port in Hawaii to its final destination.

Hauling a bus to Hawaii requires attention to detail and quality shipping services. Heavy Equipment Transport takes care of every detail from the first to the last. Find out more about shipping your school bus to Hawaii now! (888) 730-2951

School buses transported on step deck trailer.

(888) 730-2951

Our Recent Transports


Milos Visnjic helped a school transport this 2023 Thomas Built Saf-T-Liner C2 Jouley electric school bus from High Point, NC to North Las Vegas, NV safely. He decided a flatbed trailer was the most suitable to transport the 38 L 8 W 11 H and 20000lbs 2023 Thomas Built Saf-T-Liner C2 Jouley electric school bus. To transport a school bus, call us now!

Shipping a horse tradmill.

Hauling a jouley school bus

Origin: High Point, NC

Destination: North Las Vegas, NV

Specialist: Milos Visnjic

Contact Milos: (303) 482-1811


Roger Castro, one of our bus transport specialists, was in charge of transporting this beautiful 2020 BYD K 8 EV metro bus from Lori, NJ, to Harpers Ferry, WV, and back. The 36 L 8 W 11 H and 33,000 lbs bus was transported on a double drop extendable trailer and delivered safely. Call us now for affordable 2020 BYD K 8 EV metro bus transportation services.

Galvanized guard rail haul.


Origin: Lodi, NJ

Destination: Harpers Ferry, WV

Specialist: Roger Castro

Contact Roger: (303) 482-1811

Common Types of Buses:

  • Transit Bus
  • Electric Bus
  • Double Decker
  • Highway Bus
  • School Bus
  • Articulated Bus
  • Mini Bus
  • Charter Bus
  • Prison Bus
  • Open-Top Bus
  • Low-Entry Bus
  • excavator

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    Here are just a few leading team members out of 80+ Specialists.